A pan-Ayrshire project that is helping people back into employment has set itself an ambitious target for the coming months. The Working for a Healthy Economy initiative was launched in May 2021to support residents who cannot contribute to the economy fully due to poor health. Teaming up with NHS Salus, Working for a Healthy Economy provides individuals immediate contact with a health professional who can assess their circumstances to better manage any new/existing health conditions. In its first year – up to 30 September 2022 – the programme helped 514 people and it is hoped that by this September 770 will be supported. The programme is expecting to support 192 unemployed people to secure sustainable employment. This support is fully funded by the Ayrshire Growth Deal with no charge to individuals or local businesses. Working for a Healthy Economy can support people who are in employment and also people who…
Transformational 5G hubs announced in Aberdeen and Kilmarnock
Innovative plans to create Scotland’s first net zero carbon, energy self-efficient community in Cumnock took a massive leap forward on Tuesday 8 March 2022.
Primarily funded by the multi-million pound Ayrshire Growth Deal, ‘CoRE’ is an innovative renewables project in Cumnock which utilises the area’s natural resources to provide a low cost energy network, reveals Andrew Collier
THE ambitious plans for Hunterston that form a key part of the Ayrshire Growth Deal have taken a significant step forward
Developments for Prestwick Spaceport took a giant leap forward yesterday as a landmark deal was signed between South Ayrshire Council, Glasgow Prestwick Airport and a launch partner, which will boost Scotland’s space industry ambitions and create an important strategic asset for the UK.
Skills Development Scotland and other partners have recently begun to develop a Regional Skills Investment Plan for Ayrshire.
Ayrshire Growth Deal Newsbite Issue 1 – July 2021