The Ayrshire Skills Investment Fund (ASIF)
The £3.5million Ayrshire Skills Investment Fund (ASIF) is available to employers across Ayrshire who pay the real living wage.
The Skills Investment Fund offers a chance to apply for funding – a maximum of £1,800 per person this financial year – to help address skill gaps in the workforce.
The Fund is an Ayrshire Growth Deal project and has been established to target priority groups – young people, females, people with long term health conditions and people in low paid employment – to help them gain new skills and qualifications in existing and emerging growth sectors. The sectors targeted in the fund are engineering, digital, visitor economy and clean growth.
Pre-Application Stage has been included to ensure eligibility is met, we will then send you a link to submit a full application. Part of the eligibility criteria is set by Scottish Government Fair Work conditionality requires employers applying to ASIF to be paying the real living wage. (currently £12.60 per hour – Nov 2024) Living Wage Scotland The next stage will require you to submit a full application detailing the training provision required.
The Ayrshire Skills Investment Fund is open. Please click the link below to complete the eligibility form and we will review and send an application link directly to you.